Micro Pavlova (Bite Size)

This Australian based meringue dessert simply melts in your mouth. Traditionally resembling a cake, mini Pavlovas have become popular. Personally, a mini pavlova is still too large merely because of how sweet it is. These bite sized portions, which I call a “Micro Pavlova”, is perfect.

Our inspiration to make Pavlovas comes from a very popular children’s show called “Bluey”. For the sake of our Bluey themed birthday party, it presents better as individual servings.

To make this simpler, we will treat this dessert as three different parts. The meringue, the whip cream, and the fruits. This played a key part in presenting them as fresh as possible. The meringue is meant to be dry, refrigerating them cause sugar beads to sweat out. Also, it becomes mushy and falls apart before you can get it in your mouth. We suggest making the meringue the night before. The cream should be made the day of. The fruits can be prepped the night before or the day of.

We will confess that a lot of lessons were learned in making this dessert. A uncovered a few tips that the pros just bypass and simplified the ingredients. There are many recipes out there and it just gets confusing. Some recipes call for corn starch, others use cream of Tartar. We even saw a recipe use vinegar. No need to complicate the recipe or the process. Here is our recipe and how we made this delicious mouth-watering dessert.

To get started, here are a couple of lesson learned:

  • The temperature of the Eggs should be room temperature, although it is easier to sperate the yolk if colder.
  • The consistency of sugar makes a huge difference, grind it to be fine.
  • Ensure to use Parchment paper so that the meringue slides right off.
  • To make it look pretty but also have shape use the 1D Wilton Tip.

Starting with 6 eggs, separate the yolk from the whites. Let it set so that it is room temp. In Kitchen Aid, whip the egg whites. Add the sugar until soft peaks form. We love using Organic Cane Sugar. Using a blender or grinder, grind the sugar until it is fine. Once the soft peaks are formed, fold in the cream of tartar, cornstarch, salt, vanilla and the optional lemon juice. Pipe from the center in a circle and go up one layer until it resembles a bowl.

Don’t make the whipped cream until you are ready to serve or the day you plan to serve it. In a Kitchen Aid, whip Heavy Cream and sugar. Pipe the whipped cream onto the meringue and top with fruits. Garnish with mint if you want to look fancy.

Micro Pavlova (Bite Size)

Recipe by The HostCourse: Dessert


  • Meringue
  • 6 Egg Whites

  • 1 1/2 Cups of Organic Cane Sugar (300 g)

  • 1 Tbsp Cornstarch

  • 1/2 Tsp Cream of Tartar

  • 1/2 Tsp Vanilla

  • 1/8 Tsp Salt

  • Lemon Juice (Optional) – Squeeze of Lemon Wedge

  • Whipped Cream
  • 16 oz Heavy Whipping Cream

  • 2 1/2 Tbsp of Organic Cane Sugar

  • Fruits
  • Strawberries

  • Blueberries

  • Raspberries

  • Kiwi (Optional)


  • Meringue
  • Separate Yolk and Egg Whites from 6 Eggs. Set Egg whites aside until it is room temp.
  • Preheat Oven to 225 degrees Fahrenheit
  • In a Kitchen Aid, whip the Egg whites until it gets a little foamy. Add the sugar in increments until soft peaks form.
  • Fold in the Cornstarch, Cream of Tartar, Salt, and Lemon Juice.
  • Transfer meringue mix into a piping bag and pipe onto parchment paper. Pipe from the center in a circle and go up one layer until it resembles a bowl.
  • Place the meringue in the oven for 1 hour and 15 minutes. Turn of the heat, but leave the meringue in for another hour. (It wont burn, trust the process).
  • Whipped Cream
  • Using cold Heavy Cream straight from the fridge, whip 16 oz in a Kitchen Aid using the Whisk attachment.
  • Slowly add the Sugar.
  • Assembly
  • Pipe the Whipped Cream into the dried Meringue. Top with fruits. Enjoy Fresh.


  • Fruit choices are optional. We use Strawberries, Blueberries, Raspberries, and Kiwi.