Organic Cane Sugar Simple Syrup

Super simple and very quick to make. Although you can easily purchase Simple Syrup, we personally like to create our own. Our secret ingredient is using Organic Cane Sugar. This makes all the difference as it gives it a deeper more unique taste. Is also more natural as it is less processed and less refined. Ultimately, sugar is sugar so you can make this recipe with either granulated sugar or Organic Cane Sugar.

The reason why they call it Simple Syrup is because all you need is 1 cup of sugar and 1 cup of water. Although, for the sake of reduced guilt and less sweetness, I may either lessen the sugar or increase the water to offset the ratio. The taste difference is minimal and it is one step closer to a healthier you.

Try this Simple Syrup recipe in Classic Margaritas or in an Espresso Martini. It can also be used in making fresh lemonade. The versatility of use makes it an essential recipe to have on hand. I use Organic Cane Sugar in a lot of my recipes so buying it in bulk is the way to go. If you have a Costco membership then that is where I suggest purchasing it from. It is also available on Amazon.

Simple Syrup is a great alternative to putting sugar in iced drinks like coffee or lattes. The liquid form of the syrup makes it easier to dissolve. This recipe is easy to multiply. Just keep the same ratio of water and Organic Cane Sugar. Make a large batch and store the rest in the refrigerator. You will notice how many different ways you can use Simple Syrup, and how little it cost to make your own.

For the Organic Cane Sugar Simple Syrup recipe, see below.

Organic Cane Sugar Simple Syrup Recipe

Organic Cane Sugar Simple Syrup

Recipe by The HostDifficulty: Simple
Prep timeminutes
Cooking time





  • In a small pot, pour 1 Cup of Organic Cane Sugar and 1 Cup of Water.
  • Bring to a boil, give it a quick stir, then reduce heat to let it simmer.


  • Multiply this recipe by maintaining the 1 to 1 ratio.